
During my time with Ritani.com, I was dropped feet-first into a content-filled day, every day. Daily blog posts took large chunks of my day. This included writing, image grabbing, linking out, SEO optimization in a WordPress environment. I also worked on tri-weekly email blasts and podcast scripting targeting male millennials.

There were several one-offs as well like content for The Knot landing pages (not yet live) and media calendar collaborations.

I also was heavily involved in focusing the tone and voice of the brand, which was an interesting feat. When you consider shopping for engagement rings, you need to think about the polar opposites when marketing for Ritani: affluent millennial males that don’t care much about the size/detail of the ring, but are price and convenience focused. And females shopping for their own ring that care about exactly the opposite.

Challenge accepted.

Read a few of my blog posts here. And here’s a few emails I helped put together.
